Sunday, October 21, 2012

Art With Nature

Title: Peace Circle



Title: Peace Park
It is a tree and peace dove.
I used leafs, white and orange flowers, rocks and twigs.

I decided to make a tree with peace dove, because
save nature is very important and I think 
nature is related with peace.
I made peace dove with white flowers and grand and tree.
I made a circle with peace dove, because I thought it will be more arranged and organized, and also I thought  if it had similarity between first one and second one, it will be better.

Tuesday, October 2, 2012

Art - MOVIE -

Today we presented our movie and our sketch book.
Also we saw other group’s work.

Sketch Book:

We showed and explained “Brain storm page”,
 “story board”, “planning page”, “process page” and "
evaluation page”.
Brain Storm page is about brave, confidents.
The story board page is about story of our movie,
and planning page is about plan,
for example what we are going to use and how to make it.
Process page is about steps that the way we make movie.
Evaluation page is about our projects and
I wrote WWW (What Went Well), EBI (even Better if)
and problem and how to solve it.


Other Group’s work:

We saw 3 other movie today that other group made.
I think all movies are very interesting and it very different.
I surprised that we could made completely different one
even though we have the same theme.
I also thought that the one which made from 3D material is
very interesting and fun, because
they used camera angle well and back music is very effectively.
The movie which was made by Maria’s group was also
very simple but it was very nice.