Thursday, August 18, 2011

Drama Homework!!

What do you understand by the term 'Addressing the Audience'?  
Addressing the audience means that you have to try to make a part of the play and make the audience have interest. The actors need to show that they have enjoy acting.  
Describe the different ways that each member of your group addressed the audience in your short scenes. What were they trying to communicate to the audience and more importantly, how did they communicate their message?
  •  Laud and clearly voice
  •  Exaggerate and clearly action
  •  Expressive
  •  Use hand and face
  •  Open mouth wide
  •  Get into role
  •  Enjoy my role
We have to speak laud and clearly voice. Moreover open mouth wide and use face and hand.
We most get into role. Moreover exaggerate and clearly action.
We should be expressive and enjoy my role.

1 comment:

  1. Rio,

    Can you try to explain 'addressing the audience' again please? You DO need to make the audience have interest in the pay but HOW can you do this?

    Ask others in the class if they can explain the term 'addressing the audience' to you. If not, come and speak to me, so that we can talk about it!

    Well done, you have made a good start here and I like the comments that you have made about the techniques that you have used in class.

    Miss H
