Saturday, September 8, 2012

Music evaluation

I chose a Japanese pop rock band called Aqua timez and
the song that I chose is Isshouseishun (一生青春).
It means “Lifetime youth”. Album from this song was taken and
release in August 24, 2005.
The name of album is “Soraippainikanaderuinori” (空いっぱいに奏でる祈り)
and it is their debut album. I like this song very much,
because I like lyrics a lot and melody is very memorable.

About this song

Instrument that they use are Vocals, guitar, bass, keyboard and drums. It is a high tempo and very rhythmical song, so if you listen this song, you can get power and also it is memorable especially Chorus part.


It relate to the mood of the song. It is a very cheerful song and high tempo, so we can get power and it makes you become positive.


This song’s structure is Instrumental riff, Verse1, Chorus, Instrumental, Verse2, Chorus, Bridge, Chorus, Instrumental riff. In the riff, they are using keyboards, guitar and bass and drums. Fist, keyboard, guitar and bass start to play, and then drums starts play.


This song has a hook. If it translates to English, it becomes “the new world when stepping toward a leg” and “child”. It repeats 2times each. The first one is from chorus, and second one is from verse1 and 2.

Was it hit?

It was used in commercial and it has a music video, but it is not famous, because they released 2005 and in that time, they were not famous.

Message and story
I think this song say that “let’s step forward one step like when you were child. If we live like that, your life becomes more fun”. The message of the song was delivered in an effective way, for example they use title and lyric effectively.
This is a song that i chose:

This is a video that they playing the other song:


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