Tuesday, November 13, 2012

Medieval Music

What is secular music?
Secular music is the simply music that does not promote with any religion practice or tradition. Music can be either secular or religious. Religious music might include praise and worship songs. Secular music might include rock, pop, hip hop, rap, country, opera, jazz etc. The major music in the modern world is secular. Intent and lyrical content are usually more important than musical style when determining whether music is or is not secular.

This division is not necessarily product of a the structure of modern musical forms, however. Music may be composed and performed in a predominantly secular style but designed to convey a religious message. Christian rock music, for example, draw on the musical traditions of rock and roll, but blends them with themes and lyrics drawn from Christian scripture and doctrine.



What is Medieval Music?
Mediaeval music is Western music written during the Middle Ages. It was both religious and secular. Music of the Middle Ages was especially popular during times of celebration and festivities.

How and where medieval music was developed?
During the Medieval period, the foundation was laid for the notational and theoretical practices that would shape western music into what it is today.

The traditions of Western music can be traced back to the social and religious developments that took place in Europe during the Middle Ages, because the domination of the early Catholic Church during this period, religious music was the most prevalent.

Beginning with Gregorian chant, religious music slowly developed into a polyphonic music called organum performed at Notre Dame in Paris by the twelfth century.

The secular music also developed in the hands of the French Trouvère and troubadours, until the period culminated with the sacred and secular compositions of the first true genius of Western music, Guillaume de Machaut.

How and where medieval music performed?
Where: medieval music performed in churches cathedrals during holiday special parties and weddings and birthdays

Instruments: it still exist, but in different forms. The flute was once made of wood rather than silver or other metal, and could be made as a side-blown or end-blown instrument. The recorderhas more or less retained its past form. The gemshorn is similar to the recorder in having finger holes on its front, though it is actually a member of the ocarina family.

What was the role of the church in the development of medieval music?
The church was very important place in that time, because medieval music performed in churches and also religious music developed in Catholic Church in Middle Ages.

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