Wednesday, November 23, 2011

Face Proportion

 All face have a same proportion!!

What is the Face Proportion?

The computer calculates the most beautiful proportions of the object and the ideal balance of measurements of its eye line, bottom line, etc.

*                  *                   *                   *
When we drow the face proportion, we can drow easy and we can drow correctly.

Monday, November 7, 2011

Art First lesson ♪

Today's lesson was very fun.
I draw a back of mind map and made mind map.
I think I could make well.
Also I made content of my book. 
I like today's lesson, because there was free.
For example if I want to use water color, i can use.
I can know art lesson is very fun!!

Tuesday, September 20, 2011

First lesson♪

What is the piano?

Modern piano is Bartolomeo Cristofori’s invention. He is Italy musical instrument janitor.


What is difference between Piano and Electronic keyboard?

l   Piano is bigger and heavy than electronic keyboard.

l   Electronic keyboard has many timbres.

l   Piano has 88 keys.

l   Piano can not turn of.

l   Piano’s sound is better than Electronic Keyboard

l   Electronic keyboard’s keys are light than piano’s.

Sunday, September 11, 2011


How is body language used here to show status?

It shows how you fell without you speaking.
It shows the important of the character.

Are you tableaux powerful without using language? Why?

The appearance of their fare and it shows how they fell. sad or happy, angry or excite.

Consoler how levels were used to successfully show status?

Rich + Poor   Teacher + Student  Bully + Victim  Loser + Winner

Friday, September 2, 2011

Homework - Lesson Reflection...

1.     How did the 'yes, let's!' exercise help you to think about improvising effectively (well)?
I think it was a good practice of speaking loud and using gestures. 
2.     What was the quality of the improvisation that you did in pairs
I think that it was bad. Because i did not speak loud and use the hands, so Audience is difficult understand and it will be boring.

3.     Why do you think your work was successful
Because I could understand drama situation and story, because I saw teacher´s action and partner´s action. teacher´s action was very fun and easy to understand.
4.     What feedback did you receive from the teacher or other student's to help you improve your work
They told me that I have to speak loud, use big gesture, and use face.  
5.     What problems and or/challenges did you face during this lesson
My challenge was speaking and loud voice and use face. However I could not do this well. It was difficult for me.
6.     How do you think you can personally overcome these challenges
I need many practice, for example always speak loud, use hand and need a focus on performance with my body and express character with my face.

Monday, August 29, 2011

Stage Direction



USRUp stage right         USCUp stage centre           USLUp stage left
  SRStage right                  CSCentre stage                  SLStage left
  DSRDown stage right      DSCDown stage centre      DSLDown stage left

Thursday, August 18, 2011

Drama Homework!!

What do you understand by the term 'Addressing the Audience'?  
Addressing the audience means that you have to try to make a part of the play and make the audience have interest. The actors need to show that they have enjoy acting.  
Describe the different ways that each member of your group addressed the audience in your short scenes. What were they trying to communicate to the audience and more importantly, how did they communicate their message?
  •  Laud and clearly voice
  •  Exaggerate and clearly action
  •  Expressive
  •  Use hand and face
  •  Open mouth wide
  •  Get into role
  •  Enjoy my role
We have to speak laud and clearly voice. Moreover open mouth wide and use face and hand.
We most get into role. Moreover exaggerate and clearly action.
We should be expressive and enjoy my role.

Thursday, August 11, 2011

My first lesson!

My name is Rio.
My first class was drama class. Drama class was very fun. This lesson, we practiced acting. we made 3groups and fixed place and character. and then we practiced. My group place was in the space. My character was astronaut. But I did not well acting.
Before this lesson, I did not like drama. However, I like drama now!